Behind the cover: how my picture ended up in Sports Illustrated

I had the recent good fortune of assisting photographer Todd Rosenberg on a portrait shoot for Sports Illustrated. The concept: photograph player-of-the-year Frank "The Tank" Kaminsky in front of a real tank. I was full prepared to carry heavy equipment, stand outside in the snow, and not eat for several hours. All those things happened, including spending 40 minutes scraping ice and snow off a tank. And all of a sudden, Todd handed me a second camera and told me to shoot behind-the-scenes. I had no idea the magazine would publish the photo, let alone turn it into a full page on the table of contents.  But here it is - proof that we shot on location, with a real tank, and that Kaminsky is really 7 feet tall. Many thanks to Todd (who made a great cover), Chris Stone at SI, Frank Kaminsky, and American Legion Post 360 in Waunakee, Wisconsin.